Distance: 10 km
Departure: RIVES DE L'YON
Nature of the terrain: MTB circuit, Walking and hiking trail (PR)
Bocage and wooded path along the Yon

Points of interest

1. Trailhead

Start of the trail from the Maison des Libellules car park.

Maison des Libellules

2. House of Dragonflies

400 m² of exhibition offer the discovery of this majestic insect and its environment: the Yon Valley. Outside, the site offers many independent games. The sensory table and the barefoot path invite you to test your senses. Can you identify the different textures? If you are more adventurous, climb to the top of the climbing pole

Moulin du Furet

3. Moulin du Ferret

Ruins of the Furet mill. A fish pass was installed on the river in 2022.

Gué de Rambourg

4. Ford of Rambourg

From Gallo-Roman times there was a toll ford, probably guarded by a wooden fort which was located on a Roman road. Around the 15th century, a "pontereau", a simple footbridge, was thrown over the river. It happened then that we were talking about the "ford of the Planche". The hamlet near La Planche takes its name from it. This footbridge only became a bridge 1,80 m wide, on wooden beams in 1862, then on iron beams, in 1894. It was in 1970 that the current bridge and road were created, raised above from any threat of flooding.

Moulin de Rambourg

5. Mill of Rambourg

Unique testimony to the economic activity of the XNUMXth century along the Yon valley, the Moulin de Rambourg has retained its complete equipment dating from the first half of the XNUMXth century. It is open to visitors throughout the summer period and on request for groups.

6. Merlerie Island

Here, the Yon divides to form the small island of Merlerie. You will notice the presence of two locks. You also have the option of taking an alternative route to reach the Rambourg mill.