Distance: 10 km
Departure: NESMY
Nature of the terrain: MTB circuit, Walking and hiking trail (PR)
Bocage path with many landscaped green spaces, a nice ford and a roadway that regulates the course of the Yon.

Points of interest

1. Trailhead

Departure from the car park in front of the Rambourg mill.

Moulin de Rambourg

2. Mill of Rambourg

Nesmy once had 12 mills, including 4 on the Yon. The Rambourg mill is the last of them. Since the 1981th century, its paddle wheel has worked until XNUMX. The mill was used to grind grain and transform it into flour. Today, you can visit the interior in the summer season.

Gué de Rambourg

3. Ford of Rambourg

There are traces of its presence from the Gallo-Roman period because it was located on a Roman road. There was a toll ford there, probably guarded by a wooden fort. Around the 15th century, a "pontereau", a simple footbridge, was thrown over the river (from which a nearby hamlet took its name: La Planche). From then on, it happened that we spoke of the "Ford of the Planche". This footbridge only became a bridge 1,80 m wide, on wooden beams in 1862, then on iron beams in 1894. It was in 1970 that the current bridge and road were created, raised above from any threat of flooding.

Golf de La Domangère

4. Domangère Golf

At the heart of a 1987th century estate, the La Domangère golf course was laid out in 18. It offers a magnificent XNUMX-hole California-style course.

5. View of the Château des Brancardières

On the right, view of the Château des Brancardières (private property). Beautiful XNUMXth century chateau overlooking the Yon and whose adjoining farms are very well preserved.

Les Brancaires

6. The Branchers

This "jump" of the Yon is one of the favorite places for fishermen.